First of all, Im very sorry about that.
Simply been quite busy during this year (from last post on), even though my daily work turned into a rather on-off-affair, I still had quite lot to do. Few masters Ive been working on (still havent progressed with that Mi-2) along with local gaming clubs spring-project which deadline roams closer and closer. And last but not least, Im still lacking good enough conditions for decent photos.
Oh. And I started studies too this autumn - in christmast 2017 I hopely walk out from the facility with certified nurse degree in my hand, and with some luck, make my way into position of EMT.
Been busy with the afrika too, my local UN starts to be in its initial strenght, in size of platoon plus APCs, few light tanks and some odds and ends. Also, PMC got some extra boots to the ground too, nothing fancy though. And oldy-goldies, now finished and at least I got some sort of photos taken.

Dont mind the tires, the "spill" aint nearly that bad IRL in the vehicle left
PMC FMVs (Fire Mobility Vehicles) or something like that, pretty much nothing but techicals. Im still working with other two, other one being recoilles rifle armed and last one being land rover based.
In addition Ive been working with few trucks + heavy technical/DPV, based on VLRA-type light-medium truck, similiar in role like the earlier posted unimog. Few casual trucks too, and some rumours have been going around about some contractor flown Mi-24As..
Oh. And the sneak peek: This is what my PMC-vitrine looks like now - all minis which have their painting started are stored there, with exception of small amount of infantry which were, during the taking of that picture, still in varnishing line at my desk.
Sorry about the poor light.
Oh - and oldiegoldies! Posted this image into facebook few months back, and that Saladin is very much VIP still as we speak. Basicaly its QRFs Saladin (less excelling model from them), with Zvezda Matador wheels (like in my later Saracen APC) and slightly modified turret from BFs vietnam range ANZACs M113 FSV-set.
At the backround, the only thing which actually has progressed during the last few months - BFs T-28, quite horrible in both accuracy and quality, especially in case of turret.